Sharenting and Parent Influencers: Harmless Fun, or Big Problem?

It’s one thing to be a parent. It’s another thing to be an influencer. But what happens when an influencer starts putting their child all over social media? Is it harmless? What about your typical sharenting, sharing photos of your kid on social media, is this a problem? By the age of five, the average …

Heavy Metals in Vegetables in India

A recent report from Environment Management and Policy Research Institute (EMPRI) found some alarming information about the vegetables being sold in Bangalore.

They tested 400 samples of ten different vegetables and found high levels of iron, lead, and cadmium in the vegetables.

Antibiotics in India – And Why It’s a Matter of Life and Death for You and Your Kids

This might be the scariest- and most important- article you’ll ever read. Antimicrobial resistance (also called antibiotic resistance) is when bacteria become resistant to all, or some, antibiotics. It is a problem because it means that minor infections will be unable to be treated and will continue to worsen until they result in death.